‘If the city wants to do something about affordable housing then they need to control their spending’

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I want to respond to the opinion piece regarding affordable housing.

I have been a landlord in Manchester since 1977. I feel that I provide affordable housing. My tenants are students, working people, and just about everyone else. My two-bedrooms are $950 with heat and hot water, and three-bedrooms are $1,200 with heat and hot water.

When the city did a reevaluation a few years ago they nearly doubled my taxes on one building, from $14,000 to over $25,000 yearly. I met with the person from Vision Appraisals he told me that they go by what my rents should be, not what they actually are. He said that I need to raise my rents. Seriously? So much for affordable housing.

It appears that the city officials continually override the tax cap and then they need more money so they tax us more. Then people blame the evil landlords who are taking advantage of the poor. I can’t afford to give out free apartments and I tell my tenants that when the city cuts me a break on my taxes I will do the same for them with their rent.

If the city wants to do something about affordable housing then they need to control their spending. That would be a good start.

Beg to differ? Agree to disagree? Submissions on topics of interest are welcome. Send to carolrobidoux@manchesterinklink.com, subject line: The Soapbox.


About this Author

William Stergios

William Stergios grew up in Manchester and lives in Candia.