Fire Marshal Recommends Negligent Homicide Charges in Lancaster Circus Tent Collapse

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A Storm suspected of being a powerful microburst hit the circus in Lancaster last August in the early evening. Investigators worked through the night picking through the wreckage.
A Storm suspected of being a powerful microburst hit the circus in Lancaster last August in the early evening. Investigators worked through the night picking through the wreckage.


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The state fire marshal is recommending negligent homicide charges be brought against the operator of a circus tent that collapsed in Lancaster last August killing a father and daughter, according to

“That was one of the recommendations,” J. William Degnan told on Monday. “We had some issues with the tent, we had some issues with their monitoring of the weather,” he said.

Degnan said his report has been turned over to Coos County Attorney John McCormick for possible criminal charges. McCormick said he has received the report but never comments on cases at this stage.

The tent, operated by Walker International Events, collapsed during a severe storm on Aug. 3, 2015. Robert Young and his daughter Annabelle, 7, of Concord, Vt., were killed by the heavy beams that were supporting the tent. Dozens were injured, including two circus employees. Walker denies any wrongdoing.

Read the full story here, including conclusions drawn by investigators from the state Fire Marshal’s office.



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Carol Robidoux

PublisherManchester Ink Link

Longtime NH journalist and publisher of Loves R&B, German beer, and the Queen City!