‘Be Amazing,’ reads like a one-on-one conversation with a modern-day Mister Rogers

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MANCHESTER, NH -We have made it around the sun again to the familiar season of resolve. And despite all the familiar holiday fervor, it’s not universally a joyous time. The end of another year and the promise of a new one can trigger regret and sorrow, or anxiety over what looms ahead.

We often end up feeling stuck, our resolutions sputtering into vapor like an engine without gas. Another January full of promise dissolves into another year of mired in unrealized potential.

What is universal, however, is that the new year requires us to look ahead, if for no other reason than we must start a new calendar. But with that comes an involuntary assessment of who - and what - matters most, and what we desire as the calendar flips to a new year. 

This year, best-selling author and motivational speaker Paul Boynton wants to help you refuel and pass go. His new book, “Be Amazing,” cuts to the chase with 100 succinct and inspirational pages that can, once and for all, help you start living the life you’ve always wanted to live and bring your “2020 vision” into focus.

The little red book provides a big, life-changing challenge. “Be Amazing” is a call to action for anyone in need of a gentle but deliberate “New Year’s” push toward their best purpose-driven life.

Like an intimate conversation with a trusted friend, the book reads like a one-on-one with a modern-day Mister Rogers, whose love-centered approach is a life-affirming acknowledgment that each one of us can “be amazing” once we get real and start operating from a place of generosity and kindness.

Boynton goes first, sharing his own journey of self-discovery - from a sense of being “different” as a child and eventually learning to hide his true self from the world, to being inspired by the bravery of comedian Ellen DeGeneres, whose very public coming out experience on national TV allowed Boynton to acknowledge and reveal his own true self as a gay man to his wife and children, longtime friends and colleagues.

He uses his own story to illustrate how precious life is, and how much time can be lost living in the shadow of our fears.

“I knew from watching Ellen’s journey unfold there would be very real consequences for me,” writes Boynton,” But there were also so many rewards. I discovered that the real me was not only loving and loveable but also so much more alive, creative, engaging and fun to be around. I also saw so clearly that to live a passionate and purposeful life, the real me had some serious lost time to make up for.” 

Through this revealing opening anecdote, Boynton is able to point out that fears we all harbor are often the barriers we must work through, or get around, in order to reclaim our own “amazingness.” By getting back to discovering who we really are and what unique gift we have to offer, we can find our God-given purpose and fulfill our human potential.

Boynton’s storytelling includes lessons learned from extraordinary people he’s met in everyday circumstances –  lessons that are simple but powerful – like how generosity and kindness are the keys to success, and harnessing the power of intentions. 

BeAmazing hr 1“Being Amazing isn’t about being perfect or about getting it right every time, but it will require you to move beyond “good enough,” writes Boynton. “Being Amazing is about you being you. Not the you you thought you were, but the you were always meant to be.”

Click here now to order your copy on Amazon, available Jan. 7.

About this Author

Carol Robidoux

PublisherManchester Ink Link

Longtime NH journalist and publisher of ManchesterInkLink.com. Loves R&B, German beer, and the Queen City!