BREAKING NEWS – Redefining what matters to us

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Who defines Breaking News? And what standard dictates what a news organization publishes to be important enough to present to the reader? Shouldn’t the community take hold of the local narrative about what matters most to us?

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Benjamin Pasley (left) General Manager of The Bookery Manchester, and Maria Nalette,  Ink Link VIP Community Manager, stop to pose at the info table.  Isn’t this what community-fed local news could mean? Events, happenings, business and people on the move. This Soofa screen, far left, updates designated news feeds and community polls – but not all decisions of what is shown on screen will be made here in New Hampshire.

The consumption of information is changing both in speed as well as in accuracy.  Accuracy is what was expected from both publisher and editors but who in the community holds the standards?  With social media channels, internet influencers, and computer algorithms taking center stage, “inaccuracy” is one of the things we get; information can be out of context.

Yesterday,  there was a ribbon-cutting in front of 848 Elm Street (that’s Manchester, New Hampshire for those reading this beyond the 031 zip codes). Mayor Joyce Craig was there to do the honors. The always cheerful, engaging and forward-thinking Judi Window was there, representing Diz’s Cafe among the many hats she always wears. Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Executive Director, Mike Skelton was there too, along with a cross-section of local fans of the various businesses involved. Liz Hitchcock, a mastermind of community building, wielded the traditional oversized pair of scissors supported by several members of the Orbit Group. Entrepreneurs move fast and the model of “create-test- break-fix- next” is the blueprint for leading the charge bravely into the future.

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Isn’t this the picture of a ribbon-cutting you’d expect to see?  From left, Mayor Joyce Craig, Liz Hitchcock and Carol Robidoux. Photo credit/Keith Spiro

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For visitors, wayfinding to venues can easily be determined by time and distance. Six-minute or twelve-minute walks.

Ink Link Publisher Carol Robidoux was there, standing at the crossroads of traditional news reporting and the evolving role of….. might it be … purveyors or conductors of news? Think about the role of news editors. Community feedback and guidance for that which we want to read is more important than ever. Who do you trust as the honest broker these days and what do you want to see in your local news feed and on digital ink community bulletin boards? If clicks and algorithms dictate what we see on other platforms, then we need to think carefully about our participation right down to what we scan and click. It will affect what we get to see.

So, do speak up!  News editors are listening. Algorithms will be reporting and data collectors will be watching.

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Mayor Joyce Craig sharing thoughts, thanking Liz Hitchcock for dreaming big, and taking questions. Photo/Keith Spiro


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Orbit Group’s Head of Marketing and PR, Marlana Trombley, right, chatting with Bethany Chabot, owner of 444 Hands, a Merrimack massage and energy therapy business.


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Who’s this cat talking to? Michael Skelton, CEO of Greater Manchester Chamber. Photo/Keith Spiro


About this Author

Keith Spiro

Advisor & ContributorInk Link News, Arts & Culture

Business Strategist, Community Builder with a keen interest in working with high-impact startups and other organizations that can make a difference in community and health.