Letters: To my elected officials, I urge you to refrain from voting to terminate Adrienne Beloin

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Dear Democratic members of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen,

As representatives of our community, I urge you to carefully consider the invaluable contributions that the current director of homeless stability has made and to refrain from voting to terminate her employment.
Adrienne Beloin has been a driving force in efforts to combat the crisis of homelessness in Manchester. Her dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment have led to tangible progress and improvements in our community.
Under her leadership, essential initiatives have been implemented, providing vital support services to those in need.
While Adrienne has made significant strides in her role, it’s important to acknowledge that she is just gaining momentum in her efforts. The challenges of addressing homelessness and housing shortages require time and sustained support to achieve meaningful and lasting change. Adrienne deserves the opportunity to continue her work and to build upon the progress she has already made.
A decision to terminate Adrienne’s employment would not only undermine the progress achieved thus far but would also have far-reaching consequences for our community. It would disrupt the momentum gained and leave many vulnerable individuals without the type of crucial support they need.
I implore you to put personal emotions aside and to prioritize the best interests of Manchester. Please provide Adrienne with the time and support necessary to accomplish her goals. Instead of taking steps backward, please unite in a commitment to addressing the crisis of homelessness with the urgency and determination it deserves.
By fostering open communication, support, and collaboration, you have an opportunity to ensure that continued progress is made in our city.
It’s your elected responsibility to do so.
Every day, dozens of Manchester families are at risk of losing their homes and every week more families with school-aged children become homeless. I know many of them personally.
Now more than ever, we need dedicated leaders like Adrienne Beloin to guide us through these challenging times.
Please, do not bring us backward. Instead, please stand together and move forward toward a better future for all residents of Manchester.
With respect,
Rosanna McMahon 

Ward 4

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About this Author

Rosanna McMahon

Rosanna McMahon lives in Ward 4.