Artists Muse: Joe Dakin on Climate Change, ‘As a Seed’

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With words and photos, NH artist Joe Dakin asks the question,”Can you live this way?” in this third installment of his four-part series on Climate Change.

“As a Seed”

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Poetry and Photography by | Joe Dakin


As a Seed

As a seed they did not know,
Hidden and protected in their coats,
Flown far and wide by the crow,
Broken through the shell,
A hard task to excel,

Time to dig.

The suffocation of the dirt,
When they dreamed in the shell,
Air and sunlight that blinded every cell,
The warmth of the sun cascading over the land,
Stimulating every leaf,
Some days water fell from above bringing relief.

Breaking the surface.

Peeking through with a watchful eye,
A discovery was made,
There was no hint of a warm sun,
Dark and polluted clouds smothered the sky,
Acid falling with an evil intention,
With each drop was a burning sensation,
There was no water nor a sun, not even a particle to breathe.

There was no relief,
The suffocation was unbearable,
The water was undrinkable.

Could you live this way?



About this Author

Joe Dakin


I’m an artist inspired by community and the world around us. I try to use art as a gateway for conversation, a way to say something but by using the mediums I use to create. I’m a printmaker by trade but currently following a path of photography and poetry, expanding to other methods as I discover them. A lot of my work typically focuses on our big problem of climate change. This is a topic I hope to bring to everyone’s attention, forcing the conversation. Nature is my focus, building a strong community through this conversation is my goal.