Support for young sisters for Sanders

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Stand up. Speak up. It’s your turn.

Sen. Bernie Sanders speaking at SNHU on Jan. 4, 2016.


As a young woman in the 1970s I was keenly aware of the great changes that were occurring because of the women’s movement. In 7th grade I was finally allowed to wear something other than a dress to school. In high school the girls got a basketball team, even though they had to sell calendars to buy themselves uniforms.

Gloria Steinem was a hero of mine. She fearlessly led thousands of women into the streets pushing for equality and independence for women. In college I subscribed to Ms. Magazine.—

As a mother I made sure my daughter knew that generations of women came before her and fought long and hard for the rights and freedoms she enjoyed. One summer she had to dress up as someone famous for Girl Scout Camp. She put on a blazer and went as Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Today she is a strong, smart, independent woman, and I am very proud of her.

You can imagine how disappointed I was to hear Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright suggest that women who support Bernie Sanders are just looking for boyfriends — or worse  belong in hell.


I know a lot of young women who support Senator Sanders. These comments do them a great disservice. They work multiple jobs to keep a roof over their heads, pay off college loans, and provide for their children. Some would like to go to college but haven’t been able to. They are strong. They are smart. They are taking a stand. They are worthy of our respect and admiration.


Income inequality is having a profound effect on today’s young women. A slow economy and low wages prevent them from getting ahead in the present and unless something changes, the future doesn’t look much better. Food service is the second largest and fastest growing industry in the United States. Food service workers are the lowest paid people in America. Women represent 2/3 of tipped wage workers and their average wage across the United States is $8 an hour. This is terrible. We need to hit the reset button in order to grow the economy and create good paying jobs.

These young women know this, and they believe that Bernie Sanders is the best candidate to look out for their economic future. Their consciousness has been raised and they are taking action. Good for them.

If I am going to hell for supporting Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton, I will save seats for Mrs. Albright and Ms. Steinem. Their condemnation of our young sisters surely gained both of them admission as well.

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Kathy Staub is a former member of the Manchester Board of School Committee and mother of two grown children who graduated from Central High School.



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Carol Robidoux

PublisherManchester Ink Link

Longtime NH journalist and publisher of Loves R&B, German beer, and the Queen City!