Bern and I at DeadCo June 2019

How can I build a life with my ‘little sister from my first mister’? It’s called love

The reason my friend Bern moving in with me is a little unusual is that she’s my first husband’s second wife. Got that? Or as I call her, my “little sister from my first mister.” When did we meet? About six months after my first husband met and fell in love with her. So this is where a lot of folks stop and re-read that sentence. Yes, that’s how it happened. READ MORE

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Point of View

Make the rest of your life the best of your life

When I look back over the last 55 years I do think the quantity of my years are behind me, but certainly not the quality of my years. In fact, I am incredibly grateful to be exactly where I am at today – emotionally and spiritually, at least. Physically I have issues that I didn’t have in my younger years, but that’s part of the mileage. However, I haven’t given up on my physical self and am determined to keep working on the things I can change/improve so that I can really enjoy the rest of my journey here on Planet Earth. READ MORE