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It goes like this: We start with a backyard and some mulberries…

My daughter reads while she swings, a book called “Town is by the Sea.” In the book, the young protagonist speaks to the reader about his home and his town. “It goes like this…” he says, a miner’s son, going to the store for milk, playing on the slide. In the background of his life, the sea is always shimmering, as the sea does. As the summer does. As life in the backyard does. READ MORE

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Embrace the muck: The best time is the mud time

She doesn’t wait for permission to get dirty on trips such as this anymore because she understands that getting dirty is why we’re here. In my day pack, I carry a packet of wet wipes, a towel and an extra pair of socks for both of us. My wife and I have raised our daughter to accept the natural world not as a brief interlude or vacation, not as something that is special and happens occasionally, but rather as a part of everyday living. And life can be messy. Therefore, nature is messy – and never so messy than during mud season. READ MORE

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Let’s do the crisis time warp again: A new year, a new strategy, another chance to slow down

For example, on the day after Christmas, as my car crash was happening, I clearly remember wondering how firmly utility poles are fastened into the ground. I wondered if my Rav 4 would split the pole in half when I hit it, or I’d just wrap around it like a pretzel. I remember wondering if the airbags would go off and what that was going to feel like. I recall feeling relief that I was alone in the car. READ MORE

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To Johnny: A pilgrimage to a poet becomes a saving grace 

Ever since a visit to Frost’s house in Derry, N.H. a few weeks ago, our evening reading sessions have involved a variety of the poet’s poems. Little Bean likes his nature or animal poems the best, though as accessible as Frost can be, there’s still quite a bit of explaining that needs to follow for a 6-year-old to wrap her head around the poet’s use of symbolism and analogy. But it’s fine. Our studies have given me a chance to brush up on my own connections to the poet. READ MORE