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Police summary of post-lockdown debriefing: ‘Rest assured’ we are prepared

Manchester Police Chief Dave Mara facilitated the hour-long debriefing between the various agencies to go over the lockdown, which was the direct result of a former student who had entered the school with a handgun. The handgun was later determined to be a pellet gun and the former student – Damian Johnson – was ultimately charged with falsifying physical evidence, criminal trespass and disturbing school in session. READ MORE


West High School lockdown prompts review of district’s safety protocols

Debriefing after an emergency is routine practice so that everyone involved can evaluate current emergency plans and procedures to improve safety. Superintendent Dr. Debra Livingston will meet with school board members in a non-public session, in accordance with administrative rules*, to brief them on the results of the evaluation. Specifics on any changes to policy or procedure may be released publicly in order to protect the integrity of those emergency plans. READ MORE

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Post-lockdown at West HS, parents, school committee focus on security

What played out in Desrochers head as she waited in the parking lot last Thursday for her daughter was the same thing that brought a throng of parents to the perimeter of the crime tape, and the swift response from local and state police with SWAT teams: Images of Columbine and Sandy Hook, and all the others, where, in a flash, mass school shootings happened without warning, and ended in tragedy. READ MORE