Multi-car pile-up on Granite Street following police pursuit

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Scene of a multi-car crash on Granite Street Thursday night.
Scene of a multi-car crash on Granite Street Thursday night.

MANCHESTER, NH — Police are investigating a multi-car crash on Granite Street Thursday night after a vehicle fleeing police crashed and the driver allegedly fled the scene.

The accident happened just after 10 p.m. as traffic from the Fisher Cats game was exiting the stadium. Preliminary reports suggest the driver being pursued by police navigated through the heavy traffic on Granite Street and crashed, resulting in several other cars  being involved.

The driver apparently fled the scene, leaving a passenger inside the vehicle who needed to be cut from the wreckage. No serious injuries were reported.

Police continue to investigate the accident and will provide more information Friday, once the reports are completed, according to Lt. Brian O’Keefe, who had not yet reviewed the accident report.

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Carol Robidoux

PublisherManchester Ink Link

Longtime NH journalist and publisher of Loves R&B, German beer, and the Queen City!