Midterm election 2018 campaign for Congress: Paul Cardinal

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In this series, we will provide information about each of the candidates for Congress in Congressional District 1 using the same format so that you can compare the profiles. We hope it will lead you to learn more about the candidates and make an informed decision.

Easy ButtonClick here to view all the profiles as they are posted.

The primary election is Tuesday, September 11.  You must register as a member of a party to vote for those candidates. Click here.

Paul Cardinal

Party Democrat
Resides in Merrimack
Website http://paulcardinal.com/
Total fundraising Self-funded.
Employment Business Development Manager for Strategic HiEd
Education BS Business Administration, SNHU
Statement America isn’t split into two divergent categories, red and blue, and it’s time our representative in Congress reflect more of our shared values than our elected officials do today. If you believe it’s what we have in common that makes us Americans rather than what tears us apart give me your vote and watch as we progress as one United States of America.
Key issues Specific Proposals
Campaign finance reform Prohibit Super PAC’s, large corporate donations, and donations beyond the individual limit from being legal. Funding should come from where the candidate is running.
Unification messaging
Healthcare Medicare for All
Open Internet Policy Provide an “Open Internet” to New Hampshire and America at large.
Marijuana legalization


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