Midterm election 2018 campaign for Congress: Andy Sanborn

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In this series, we will provide information about each of the candidates for Congress in Congressional District 1 using the same format so that you can compare the profiles. We hope it will lead you to learn more about the candidates and make an informed decision. Click here to view all the profiles as they are posted.

The primary election is Tuesday, September 11.  You must register as a member of a party to vote for those candidates, either at City Hall or at your polling place.

Andy Sanborn

Party Republican
Resides in Bedford
Website https://andysanborn.com/
Offices 1267 South Willow Street, Manchester
Endorsements Senator Rand Paul. Corey Lewandowski. Gun Owners of America. State Reps: Marc Abear, Pat Abrami, Glen Aldrich, Keith Ammon, Phil Bean, Steve Beaudoin, Duane Brown, Allen Cook, Glenn Cordelli, Michael Costable, Glen Dickey, Dan Donovan, Jess Edwards, Tracy Emerick, Jim Fedolfi, Valerie Fraser, Bart Fromuth, Larry Gagne, Dick Gordon, Jerry Griffin, Dr. Joseph Hagan, Michael Harrington, Ray Howard, John Janigian, Jason Jarvin, Tom Kacqynski, Bill Kuch, , Frank Kotowski, John Lewicke, Mark McLean, Keith Murphy, Lynn Ober, Bill Ohm, Jason Osborne, Howard Pearl, Joe Pitre, John Plumer, Kevin Scully, Brian Seaworth, Norm Silber, James Spillane, Michael Vose, Scott Wallace, Kurt Wuelper. More
Total fundraising $838,294
Cash on hand $714,559
In-State / Out-of-State / PAC 87 percent / 13 percent / PACs: business $1,000, ideological $10,000  / Also See Top Industries and Sectors.
Contributors $7K – $8K Bedford Ambulatory Surgical Center
Contributors $5K – $6K Rose Meadow Group. Air Planning LLC. Damon Insulation. GPR Masonry. Granite Recovery Centers. Pint Publik House. White Mountains Insurance Group. D&S benefits. Orchard medical Management LLC. Pillpack. Reinventing a New Direction.
Contributors $3K Freedom Energy Logistics. Great North Property Management. Hamilton Live Poultry. Sagris Enterprises Management. Spectrum Marketing.
Contributors $2K – $3K Seacoast Commerce Bank. Ag. Benton Holdings. Fanaras Enterprises. H L Turner Group. Mullins Management Co.
Employment State Senator
Education New England College, no degree specified
Key issues Specific Proposals
Immigration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3StK3qNYKh8
Jobs and the economy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BjhtFyDPRg
Military https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4nQfQIWQKs
Constitutional originalist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu112T1ZqkA
Veterans affairs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGNQshgiJZI
Infrastructure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMeLc8wn9bA
Government https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSmVOlIYyQs

The list of contributors is from Open Secrets.

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