Hear me out: Here’s an idea for fighting the homeless epidemic

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Screen Shot 2017 03 06 at 6.58.40 PMStand up. Speak up. It’s your turn.

I have been looking at the old Cohas Shoe Factory at 252 Willow St., the open floor space in that building looks to be enormous.

There was an article about the plans two developers have for the land and buildings in Manchester Ink Link recently — 14 October 2019.

The city may be able to do a bit of horse-trading and get the use of the building to help fight Manchester’s homeless epidemic. The city would get the use of the.building for perhaps two years but certainly no more than five. In return, the property taxes on the building would remain the same during the city’s occupancy or use upon the city’s return of the building to the owners, the city would extend the tax rate for a period equal to the city’s use.

The city of Manchester is restricted as to the use of the building as a shelter for the homeless only.

The City of Manchester is responsible for the maintenance, upkeep of the building from the time it takes possession until it is returned to the owners. The city shall maintain an insurance policy on the building at a rate of 1.25 percent of the assessed value against all perils while it has possession of the building.
The city health department maintains a stock of disaster shelter beds that can be set up for sleeping arrangements.
This is the genesis of an idea, so before you criticize it remember Teddy Roosevelt complaining without offering a reasonable alternative solution is called whining.
Feel free to offer ideas for improving the idea. Please avoid statements like this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, or take your head out of your ass for once. They do not help in solving the problem, nor do they advance the discussion.

Beg to differ? Agree to disagree? Send your thoughtful prose to carolrobidoux@manchesterinklink.com, subject line:  The Soapbox.

Eric Sawyer is a Fire Commissioner for the City of Manchester, NH

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