
West High School lockdown prompts review of district’s safety protocols

Debriefing after an emergency is routine practice so that everyone involved can evaluate current emergency plans and procedures to improve safety. Superintendent Dr. Debra Livingston will meet with school board members in a non-public session, in accordance with administrative rules*, to brief them on the results of the evaluation. Specifics on any changes to policy or procedure may be released publicly in order to protect the integrity of those emergency plans. READ MORE

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Beech Street school awarded $25,000 ‘Year of the Book’ CLiF Grant

In addition to giving new books to students, the one-year partnership between CLiF and Beech Street will include author/illustrator visits, multi-day writing workshops, and storytelling presentations. Grant money also will provide custom-designed and professionally printed literacy posters, a color printer, and expenses related to a student author day reception later this school year. READ MORE