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Point of View

The Soapbox: Anti-LGBTQ bills would violate the rights of LGBTQ+ Granite Staters

On Friday the New Hampshire State Senate voted on party lines to advance two pieces of hostile legislation specifically targeting the rights of transgender people to live their lives on the same terms as other Granite Staters: SB 341 and SB 375. SB 341 was passed 13-10, with Senator Denise Ricciardi absent and arriving after the vote. SB 375 was voted Ought to Pass with Amendment 14-10. READ MORE

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The Soapbox

The Soapbox: NH House again votes to make displacing disabled and aging people easier

Proponents of this bill want you to believe it is about contracts. That is far from the truth. This is about human beings who have a right to security and the ability to envision their futures without having to worry that they will have to start over again and again because they ask for a reasonable accommodation, have children with support needs, or acquire a disability. READ MORE

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Point of View

The Soapbox: Do Better, Chris Sununu 

At a recent Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce event on March 11, Chris Sununu responded to a question from an audience member asking how New Hampshire can provide a safe environment for the LGBTQ+ community. He replied that we’re doing well on LGBTQ+ inclusion and followed up by saying, “I tend not to focus on that stuff. Government isn’t here to solve it.” He later commented that he isn’t for discrimination.  Maybe he should act like it.  READ MORE